Interface CmsdStaticBeta

Common Media Server Data (CMSD) static response header fields.



interface CmsdStatic {
    at?: number;
    br?: number;
    d?: number;
    ht?: number;
    n?: string;
    nor?: string;
    nrr?: string;
    ot?: CmsdObjectType;
    sf?: CmsdStreamingFormat;
    st?: CmsdStreamType;
    su?: boolean;
    v?: number;
    [index: CmsdCustomKey]: CmsdValue;


Custom key names may be used, but they MUST carry a hyphenated prefix to ensure that there will not be a namespace collision with future revisions to this specification. Clients SHOULD use a reverse-DNS syntax when defining their own prefix.


at?: number

Availability time

The wallclock time at which the first byte of this object became available at the origin for successful request. The time is expressed as integer milliseconds since the Unix Epoch, i.e., the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970- 01-01T00:00:000Z).

Integer Milliseconds

br?: number

Encoded bitrate

The encoded bitrate of the audio or video object being requested. If the instantaneous bitrate varies over the duration of the object, the average value over the duration of the object SHOULD be communicated. This key should only accompany objects that have an implicit bitrate.

Integer kbps

d?: number

Object duration

The playback duration in milliseconds of the object being requested. If a partial segment is being requested, then this value MUST indicate the playback duration of that part and not that of its parent segment. This value can be an approximation of the estimated duration if the explicit value is not known.

Integer milliseconds

ht?: number

Held time

The number of milliseconds that this response was held back by an origin before returning. This is applicable to blocking responses under LL-HLS [HLSbis].

Integer Milliseconds

n?: string

Intermediary identifier

An identifier for the processing server. The value SHOULD identify both the organization and the intermediary that is writing the key. Identifiers SHOULD be as concise as possible to reduce log file and transferred size, while still remaining unique.


nor?: string

Next object request

Relative path of the next object to be requested. This can be used to trigger pre-fetching by the CDN. This MUST be a path relative to the current request. This string MUST be URLEncoded. The client SHOULD NOT depend upon any pre-fetch action being taken - it is merely a request for such a pre-fetch to take place.


nrr?: string

Next range request

If the next request will be a partial object request, then this string denotes the byte range to be requested. If the ‘nor’ field is not set, then the object is assumed to match the object currently being requested. The client SHOULD NOT depend upon any pre-fetch action being taken – it is merely a request for such a pre-fetch to take place. Formatting is similar to the HTTP Range header, except that the unit MUST be ‘byte’, the ‘Range:’ prefix is NOT required and specifying multiple ranges is NOT allowed. Valid combinations are:

  • "\<range-start\>-"
  • "\<range-start\>-\<range-end\>"
  • "-\<suffix-length\>"


Object type

The media type of the current object being requested:

  • m = text file, such as a manifest or playlist
  • a = audio only
  • v = video only
  • av = muxed audio and video
  • i = init segment
  • c = caption or subtitle
  • tt = ISOBMFF timed text track
  • k = cryptographic key, license or certificate.
  • o = other

If the object type being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.


Streaming format

The streaming format that defines the current request.

  • d = MPEG DASH
  • h = HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
  • s = Smooth Streaming
  • o = other

If the streaming format being requested is unknown, then this key MUST NOT be used.


Stream type

  • v = all segments are available – e.g., VOD
  • l = segments become available over time – e.g., LIVE


su?: boolean


Key is included without a value if the object is needed urgently due to startup, seeking or recovery after a buffer-empty event. The media SHOULD not be rendering when this request is made. This key MUST not be sent if it is FALSE.


v?: number

CMSD version

The version of this specification used for interpreting the defined key names and values. If this key is omitted, the client and server MUST interpret the values as being defined by version 1. Client SHOULD omit this field if the version is 1.
