

A common library for media playback in JavaScript

Looking at open source players like hls.js, dash.js, and shaka-player there are common pieces of functionality that have been implemented independently across the libraries. This is particularly true when looking at standards based features, like ID3 parsing, 608 parsing and CMCD. Since the functionality is shared in spirit but not implementation, they can fall out of sync where certain bugs are fixed in one player but not the others. The goal of this library is to create a single place where these utilities can be maintained and distributed.

Project structure

This project is a mono-repo with the following workspaces: lib, docs. The lib package contains the compiled code for the library which is published to npm. The docs package contains the documentation for the library and is published to GitHub pages.


npm install @svta/common-media-library


Too ensure the smallest bundle sizes possible, it is best practice to import all members and type definitions individually from the library.

import { appendCmcdQuery } from '@svta/common-media-library/cmcd/appendCmcdQuery';
import { CmcdObjectType } from '@svta/common-media-library/cmcd/CmcdObjectType';

const cmcd = {
sid: '4f2867f2-b0fd-4db7-a3e0-cea7dff44cfb',
cid: 'cc002fc3-d9e1-418d-9a5f-3d0eac601882',
d: 324.69,
ot: CmcdObjectType.MANIFEST,
['com.example-hello']: 'world',

const cmcdUrl = appendCmcdQuery('https://example.com/playlist.m3u8', cmcd);
// https://example.com/playlist.m3u8?CMCD=cid%3D%22cc002fc3-d9e1-418d-9a5f-3d0eac601882%22%2Ccom.example-hello%3D%22world%22%2Cd%3D325%2Cot%3Dm%2Csid%3D%224f2867f2-b0fd-4db7-a3e0-cea7dff44cfb%22

If bundle size isn't a concern, all members and type definitions can also be imported from the root of the library, or from the feature namespace.

import { appendCmcdQuery, CmcdObjectType } from '@svta/common-media-library';
import { appendCmcdQuery, CmcdObjectType } from '@svta/common-media-library/cmcd';


API docs can be found here.