Type Alias CommonMediaRequestBeta

CommonMediaRequest: {
    cmcd?: Cmcd;
    credentials?: RequestCredentials;
    customData?: any;
    headers?: Record<string, string>;
    method: string;
    mode?: RequestMode;
    responseType?: string;
    timeout?: number;
    url: string;

Common request API.

Type declaration

  • Optionalcmcd?: Cmcd

    The Common Media Client Data (CMCD) that comprises media and request related information.

  • Optionalcredentials?: RequestCredentials

    Indicates whether the user agent should send or receive cookies from the other domain in the case of cross-origin requests.

  • OptionalcustomData?: any

    Any custom data.

  • Optionalheaders?: Record<string, string>

    The headers object associated with the request.

  • method: string

    The request's method (GET, POST, etc).

  • Optionalmode?: RequestMode

    The mode of the request (e.g., cors, no-cors, same-origin, etc).

  • OptionalresponseType?: string

    The response type with which the response from the server shall be compatible.

  • Optionaltimeout?: number

    The number of milliseconds the request can take before automatically being terminated. If undefined or value is 0 then there is no timeout.

  • url: string

    The URL of the request.